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Ohms Nuttachai • 1 year ago

I actually feel bad for Itsuka's mom. I don't believe Itsuka meant what she said with that "What you need is your work" and "Bye-bye" (she should be around 5 or 6 at that time, remember?) but that definitely cut deep into her mom's feeling.

And then, when they finally met after being separated for a long time, she wanted to stay with another family than her mother. That was just sad, NGL.

Again. I think her mother never made it clear that she wanted them to live together again and obviously, Itsuka really didn't feel any resentment toward her mother but still...

Just glad at least Nogomu will keep them in touch but I still want them to be together one day (her father included, of course).

Judgment526 • 1 year ago

Yeah, sadly Itsuka and her mom really do feel more like acquaintances than family at this point…

Anime & Rutabagas • 1 year ago

That will happen when you left for x amount of years lol

Kirito • 1 year ago

Even though they haven't met in years itsuka's mother has the same glare as Itsuka at nagomu

Whenever I tell people I wouldn't let my father close to my house or my mother, they're always like O.O but in reality, he's just some stranger to us. Simple as that. No different than a stranger. And one we knew to be quite distant and sneaky with our family.

IStandAlone Roronoa Zoro • 1 year ago

But if it were the roles to be reversed between your mother and father, would you say the same about your mom? Parents should be treated equally as important you know!

That is ASSUMING they are your parents. This is exactly what the anime portrays with the female. Cept in the anime, the mother is still present to some degree. To me and to my family, my father is no different from a stranger, and a scumbag none the less. Which is why he's exactly that. An unwelcome stranger. Objectiveness is important in life.

I feel you my father is complete scumbag but sadly we still take care of him, but to me I rarely talk to him. honestly my biggest issue is prob if I ever get married to a women hw the hell do I introduce that scum to my partner

Sweetbabyinc can suck it. • 11 months ago

Yeah, it happens bro, I feel you as well, kinda saddens me to see all those concerned parents being cut off by their children because of political viewpoints, modernity gap or actual destructive patterns on behalf of the son/daughter. At least in my case I don't get to take care off him, he came to my house once a while back, but we didn't let him in. I didn't even see the guy since I was 5 years old and he wanted a free house. Didn't even had a phone contact to ask for advice all those years. Now I kinda want to be a father nowdays, but I'm afraid I'm gonna be unprepared for the hellhole the world is becoming. Specially all the predation targeting children.

yeah sad I also prob won't get married I dnt want let my kids suffer. World becoming worse by worse

Ritsulove • 1 year ago

The tragic result of not connecting with children when they're at such a crucial developmental stage. Itsuka yearns for her bum dad, because mom was too busy working while they were still a family unit, so Itsuka became attached only to her dad. Going abroad for work (because the dad couldn't get his shiat together) finished severing the mom-daughter relationship. I feel awful for the mom. I wish Nagomu would've told her "Hey, Itsuka is part of the family, which makes you part of the family. Please come back any time" so the mom wouldn't feel like such a stranger. I mean, flying back to France with all that sadness of losing her daughter's love is too devastating for anyone. 😭

Seosamh Wray • 1 year ago

It's not that bad and it seems that something has been arranged with Nagomu anyway. Itsuka prefers being with everyone in Rokushou but they are keeping her mother up to date and contactable. She is still young enough that the relationship with her mother can be restored via her mother making sure to stay at least informed if not directly involved in her life. Itsuka's a kind and intelligent child who doesn't hold much resentment for her mother, just some discomfort from not having her around for 5+ years.

Kirito • 1 year ago

At the end no hate was established everyone had a nice agreement and it's not that bad nagomu keeps sending pictures to itsuka's mother although Itsuka doesn't smile or she's just shy said by saki

Veldora • 1 year ago

If you do not meet your parents for a long time, and were separated as kids, and meet, it'd likely be like this.

Da Vras • 1 year ago

Everyone would

ANIME • 1 year ago

they're just strangers, trying to catch up with each others life.

Kirito • 1 year ago

Yeah even though they're blood related all those years her mom left her just feels like they have this big gap and yeah they're strangers now but it can still be fixed if only the dad of Itsuka came back i still don't know why he left even he sounds so familiar

Time. • 1 year ago

And the mom was hardly ever talked about from Itsuka herself lol

vovan1 • 1 year ago

so true, i lived with my grandparents till i was 3. After that i got to know my mother. we still have awkward relationship

Kirito • 1 year ago

I swear that big poster that nagomu put up and saying Itsuka you can do it even though it's kinda embarrassing wearing that peanut head nagomu still do it he's such nice guy and knows what to do even though itsuka didn't want it, nagomu still do it and that's all the boost that Itsuka needs to win that run race

wwlaos • 1 year ago

Missing five of the most important and formative years of your daughter's life will do that.

Shiroshiroshirosan • 1 year ago

She gave up too easily! What kind of mom is that?

Kirito • 1 year ago

The mother of Itsuka explained the father of Itsuka and it's so a little like nagomu

vovan1 • 1 year ago

Itsuka to her mother: Bye Stranger

123SEA1 • 1 year ago

She straight up thanked her mom for "visiting", didn't even consider the thought of living with her or even having her stick around.

Clearly Itsuka doesnt view her as a parent, if my kid told me that I'd break

Kirito • 1 year ago

Even though she left Itsuka, Itsuka is still happy to see her mom they ate that food and explain the origin of that food and why she loves it, it's because that's what her dad say to itsuka

123SEA1 • 1 year ago

Her mom is like an aunt or something to her, she never mentions her mom but hangs onto every word from her dad

I think that was a sad translation mistake. What Itsuka said is "you're leaving with work not with me." so it sounds like she heard the phrase "going to work" so many times, she might've assumed it was a friend or something and she wouldn't be gone for ever. But because it took so long Itsuka at a certain point just believed she was abandonned.

Ohms Nuttachai • 1 year ago

What she said is 「ママと一緒に行くのは一果じゃなくてお仕事でしょう。」

While the official translation sounds more dramatic, I don't think the meaning is that much different.

The difference is very subtle,but the interpretation between the translations makes quite the difference imo. One is just harsh but the other can also be just a misunderstanding . Just like the MC and his ex. I think the author/director would purposefully have scripts that can be easily misunderstood because that seems to be the way of adding drama to this story.

Kirito • 1 year ago

I think Itsuka just thought work is needed so it's ok she's used to it and her dad is always there to make her happy and then he left

Marek Zielinski • 1 year ago

If you leave your child don`t expect happy ending at all... shirik your responsibilities and you might never get good with the years you spent thinking about yourself... the only respect i have for her mother is that she still loves her enough to let her stay with her true family...The true test comes now. The way she will rebuild her relationship with her daughter.

Ohms Nuttachai • 1 year ago

There's nothing in the show indicating that she left her child for work. She's just a working parent like other normal parents. She went out to work because, guess what? The father has no stable income and it's up to her to put the food on their plates.

The first time they were separted is when she asked Itsuka whether she wanted to come with her and, with what her child said to her, I don't blame her to can't find the courage to meet her again.

dre • 1 year ago

The only issue with this description of the situation is that she wasn't supporting her child at all during the entire time she was staying there. Even after she found out where she was. Its also unclear that she was supporting the husband or child during the initial part of the separation.
The fact that dad left her behind with some strangers instead of dropping her off with mom implies a lot. Even if she was scared to come visit she could have sent a letter to the family to let them know the situation and had the chance to send some cash to help support her kid, but chose not to. That also implies a lot. Maybe its a cultural disconnect though rather than something else.

Ohms Nuttachai • 1 year ago

The fact that dad left her in some stranger's house means nothing. It can be everything including the dad himself is good for nothing and cares more about his dream than his daughter.

And this episode makes it so clear that she had no idea that her daughter was dropped off at Nagomu's parent's place and need to hire a private detective to find her. If anyone needed to be blamed, I would definitely point my finger at Itsuka's dad since he should have at least informed her mom about the situation; not just dropped her off at someone else's place and disappear.

Again. I'm not assuming anything since there are too many speculations here. I only discussed the fact that we have been presented so far.

Kai Kazuhiro • 1 year ago

It implies dad is a no good bum. That's it.

Marek Zielinski • 1 year ago


Marek Zielinski • 1 year ago

she had to go to work aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllll the way to france!!!! No that had nothing to do with her persuing her dreams... nothing at alll... keep finding excuses for a mother that LEFT her child with unrealiable father and moved to a different country...

Kirito • 1 year ago

I kinda understand why her mother left she needed to work to give money to itsuka but her dad just left like that

Marek Zielinski • 1 year ago

watch the episode again... her mother did not leave to work, she could do it in japan...she left to do her own and at the same time left her child with unreliable father... i do not know which of those parents is worse to be honest... there is no kinda`ifs in this situation, just two selfish parents that left their child in persuit of their own dreams knowing full well what they were doing to their child. Try as you might but there is not to many excusses to be found in this situation.

Rinkuri Ichi • 1 year ago

True words."left their child in persuit of their own dreams knowing full well what they were doing to their child. "

Annecy Change • 1 year ago

I don't know what more worst. Her dad leaving her by herself or she leaving her by her dad then he left her. LOL

Anime & Rutabagas • 1 year ago

Can’t get enough of Nagomu and that chestnut outfit lol

reiko • 1 year ago

he looks adorkable😂😂

vovan1 • 1 year ago

wow never knew this was a word. per google introduced in 2006 , sweet

reiko • 1 year ago

haha..definitely one of those earliest slangs which started making their way in dictionaries!!

Hikotan • 1 year ago

He cures my cancer repeatedly, tho I think there is a problem with me getting cancer repeatedly as well.

Kirito • 1 year ago

Would have been nice if Itsuka just let them have a picture nagomu will make it his wallpaper but Itsuka declined ಥ‿ಥ (╥﹏╥)

Kirito • 1 year ago

I kinda cried at that scene tears of joy seeing nagomu cheer at Itsuka and after that it's nagomu turn to run he won but Itsuka is not even there that is so sad

easy halloween costume